June 10 9:04

June 10 9:04

Yesterday, since our snorkeling trip was cancelled (the only other trip they had was Thursday – the day we leave), we just hung out at the hotel. We had breakfast, then some pool time (in the shade since I’m out of my main sunscreen already.) We went back to the room around 1 pm and I laid down for a nap. I was feeling bad all of a sudden. I dozed fittfully then dragged myself to the shower at around 4. it was too early for the dinner buffet, so we got a snack by the pool. After wasting some time in our room (though it wasn’t a waste), we went to dinner. We walked around the resort a bit afterwards. I had barely eaten dinner because I started getting a stomach ache. it was really bad when we got back to our room. I dad on bed for a while, tossing and turning from tummy pains and sunburn and the hard bed.

I gave up on sleep at 7 am this morning when the aches and pains in every part of my body were too much. I alternated reading out on the balconey and having unpleasant bathroom time. I have a headache, stomach ache, leg bone pains, chills and I’m super light-headed. I don’t know what’s going on with me.

At one point our on the balconey, I looked up to see a massive cruise ship blocking my view of the ocean. It had Mickey Mouse ears on it. When it’s horn blasted “When you wish upon a star” Danny came out to see it too.

Now I’m wrapped up in a blanket feeling chills and pains and wishing I felt better.

Sent from my iPod

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